The purpose of AORTA is to encourage the development of a balanced and integrated system of transportation for people and freight within and beyond the State of Oregon, and to educate the public about the need for sustainable, fiscally responsible, environmentally sound transportation.

AORTA is not just about rail passenger service. Its members recognize the need for balanced transportation services using all the modes appropriate for the area, the environment, the population served, and the funding available for such services. These include rapid transit, light rail, and bus. A comprehensive multi-modal transportation system will also lay the foundation for high-speed rail in the Northwest, a long-term vision that AORTA supports.

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Our Mission

AORTA advocates for the development of a balanced and integrated system of rail and public transit within and beyond the State of Oregon. At the intercity, regional, and local levels, Oregonians deserve a public transportation system that is fast, frequent, cost effective, and environmentally sound!

Our Principles

•Building out high-quality rail and transit is key to improving Oregon's quality of life, and to accommodating our growing population, sustainably.

•To maximize public investment, transit agencies must actively seek out and adopt international best practices.

•If done thoughtfully and at scale, investment in transit will turbocharge the state's economy.

•Increasing transit ridership must be a key component of Oregon's strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

•Land-use regulations must be reformed so as to increase the number of homes, businesses, and destinations that are well served by transit.